This lies between Quays “A” and “B”. The passage between Quay “A” and the perpendicular breakwater from the “Dique de Cintura” is 150 meters wide. The shape of the Basin is rhomboidal; the West quay is 306 m long; the East 294 meters and the South 493 meters.
Depths alongside are about 10,50 m at datum.
The western Quay “A” has two brick and concrete warehouses #1 and 2 consisting of a ground floor, 3 stories and a basement.
The working apron on the quay is only 10 meters wide.
On the southern quay the 3 one storey brick warehouses at berths #3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 have been demolished to provide an open quay with a greater working area.
The eastern side of the Basin (on Quay “B”) is now an open quay, the warehouses having been demolished.
The head of Quay “B” (between Basins 1 and 2) is 149 m long. The passage between the head of the quay and the breakwater is 150 m, depth alongside about 10,00 m at datum.