April 27th – Cargo Upriver

April 27th 2020

Cargo Upriver

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

-National Holidays: Friday, May 01st 2020, Labor day. Next Monday, May 25th, May Revolution.

-Covid-19 National Quarantine:
The National Quarantine, with severe restrictions on people’s movements is to remain in force until May 10th. Some smaller cities are making circulation restrictions a little lighter. “lighter”= one hour recreational walk, not more than 500 meters from your domicile, without a dog. But large cities, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Santa Fé, Cordoba and Mendoza, amongst others are maintaining restrictions as before.

-Petroleum products: The quarantine has reduced the demand for fossil fuel dramatically. Fuel consumption dropped 85 per cent. Meaning by this that today the volume of fuel consumed is only 15 per cent as the same period last year. Demand for domestic fuel is largely gasoil for trucks. Gasoline is close to nothing since private vehicles are locked in with their owners. The main distilleries are expecting to shut down within a few days. Storage for clean products is nearly full. The crude oil, following global trends is now being stored in tankers off shore. Two or three 65,000 dwt are already loaded and waiting off Bahia Blanca Roads and one more is expected within the next days. Bunker deliveries are still expected to move strongly thanks to the traffic of dry cargo which remains close to normal levels, for this time of the year.

-Cargo inflow Upriver: Arrival of road trucks at the ports Upriver remains busy. On each day, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th over 6,000 trucks arrivals were reported. 230,000 tons per day. Dreyfus reported a rail input of 60 cars with soyabean today (2,700 tons) and Cargill 30 cars of soya and 30 cars of maize to Punta Alvear and VGG. Surely there are more but not reported.

Belgrano Rail Network


Work on the connection at Timbues to the narrow gauge (Belgrano) rail network is expected to be functioning in two months time. This includes a bridge and a marshaling yard to serve Timbues. This rail network covers North Eastern Argentina.

For the first time, the Belgrano cargo train transported 100 wagons … Argentina-builds-new-railway-bridge-over-the-river … Branch to Timbúes: new advances in the bridge over the river

-Soyabean oil exports: Argentina exported 201,500 mtons of soybean oil in March 2020, this down from 316,000 mtons during February 2020, and 359,000 mtons during march 2019.

-River Parana dredging: Still no news of rains in Southern Brazil. Dredgers remain active. The DASA I working at San Nicolas is clearing the area close to the berths. Estimates for completion, i.e. bringing port depth to 10.00 meters at datum vary between 15 and 25 days.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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