May 10th – Upriver Draft

May 10th 2020

Upriver Draft

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday: Monday, May 25th, May Revolution.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine will remain in force until May 24th. Buenos Aires and the surrounding areas (Greater Buenos Aires) will have stricter regulation limiting movement. The rest of the country where cases have been fewer will be allowed to relax restrictions. Shops will be permitted to open for certain hours amongst other aspects, but it will also be administrated by local authorities.

Export licenses:
Licenses were granted Friday, May 08th as follows: 360,000 metric tons of soyameal, 180,000 metric tons of maize, 60,000 metric tons of soyaoil and 13,000 metric tons of barley.
San Nicolas: The dredger DASA I has completed her work in San Nicolas and the new draft at New Port, Elevator berth and AES is now 9.60 meters fresh water at datum as informed by the CoastGuard. The maximum sailing draft from San Nicolas will now be limited by the shallow passes on the River Parana. For your guidance, today, Sunday May 10th the maximum draft for arrival or departure from San Nicolas y 9.27 meters. This draft is regulated by the shallow pass (Abajo Los Ratones) between San Nicolas and San Pedro.

San Pedro: A tender to dredge San Pedro to 9.20 meters has been awarded to Jan de Nul. We will keep you posted on the works progress.

Upriver draft: As this report is being completed the maximum sailing draft has been changed (improved) to 9.09 meters. This happens at 21:00 hours on a Sunday! The dredgers are working and any slight improvement is immediately reported, but always subject to the level of water in the River Parana.

Upriver Rosario: The mv TENRO MARU, which had loaded iron ore at TPR, Puerto Nuevo Rosario, was taken off the berth, with tug assistance and remains anchored at Rosario Secondary Roads. She is on 10.20 meters maximum draft. It is not yet reported whether she will remain there or will be lightered. Will keep you posted.

Mv PHOENIX OCEAN: The mv PHOENIX OCEAN is anchored off Necochea with severe steerage problems.
The vessel is reportedly being surveyed by CoastGuard, Class and insurance surveyors. Given that she is a gearless Panamax she will most likely have to be taken to a nearby port for lightering before repairs are undertaken. Will keep you posted.

Necochea: Port remains open since May 07th, at 0820 hours local time.
Bahia Blanca: The grain surveyors union may call a strike as from early next week in order to gain pay rises.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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