May 27th – Upriver Draft

May 27th 2020

Upriver Draft

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday: Monday, June 15th, Güemes Day.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine has been extended until June 07th.
At the main ports the sanitary measures remain unchanged and work is well coordinated. The Ship’s Agency activities being related to foreign trade is one of the excepted from quarantine.

Export licenses: Licenses have been issued for 415,000 metric tons of maize, 80,000 metric tons of soyameal, 44,000 metric tons of soyoil and 12,500 metric tons of soya beans.

Necochea: The port remains closed since yesterday May 25th at 1145 hours due to swell. Bad weather outside continues.

Mv COFCO 1: The mv COFCO 1, has now grounded again, this time at Km 289 of the River Parana, just north of San Pedro, at an area known as Los Ratones. This grounding is on a curve and navigation for vessels on heavy draft is obstructed. At the moment this message is sent she being assisted by two tugs, the BRUTUS and the ALBACORA. Reports from the area indicate that this grounding is serious. The position of the vessel is on a curve, meteorological conditions are unfavorable as the river level there is affected by tides on the River Plate and the wind is pushing them below forecast levels. Only vessels on less that 7.00 meters are allowed passage. We shall be following the situation closely.
Please see the attached video!

Please see the attached video!

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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