June 22nd – New Procedures

June 22nd 2020

New procedures for arriving vessels

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday: Thursday, July 09th, Independence Day and Friday July 10th “Bridge Holiday”.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine has now been extended until June 28th. The press are saying that it is to be extended to July 12th.
At the main ports the sanitary measures remain unchanged and attendance is well coordinated. The Ship’s Agency tasks are allowed to continue with few restrictions and strict sanitary procedures are applied. Upriver ports are working close to normal with strict sanitary enforcement.

As mentioned before Bahia Blanca and Necochea are very rigid imposing in nearly all cases a 14 day quarantine on arriving vessels. The 14 days are counted as from departure from the last port of call.

*** IMPORTANT *** Recalada/Zona Comun. New procedures for arriving vessels: As from Sunday June 14th, the CoastGuard medics will not be attending at Recalada. Until then the medics would board inbound vessels at anchorage Recalada prior boarding pilots. The change is that now medics are boarding vessels at Zona Comun, but only as from 0900 hours. It means that now the preliminary inspection has added cost. Each vessel must pay a launch service for the attending medics and additionally the pilots charge an anchoring fee. This will amount to additional cost as follows:
USD 1,200.00 launch service, Monday to Friday. Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays USD 1,680.00


USD ——– Pilot’s anchoring fee calculated as follows: USD 14.00 per Fiscal Unit of the vessel. FUs are calculated basis (LOA x Beam x Molded depth)/800.

Mooring gangs Upriver strike: The strike by the sailor’s union that stopped mooring gangs working at Upriver ports have been lifted and as from late Sunday, June 21st, the movement of vessels resumed.

Necochea: The port opened on June 19th at 0830 hours.

Bahia Blanca: Pilotage service is being rendered normally.

Vicentin: The weekend and today were quiet on the legal front. All factions were appraising and evaluating the demonstrations of June 20th. The most prominent factions are the Owners, the National Government, the Provincial Government, the Judge who is handling the Chapter 11 and the political parties. It is going to be interesting to see how it develops. It is often said in Argentina that when three people get together there are at least four different opinions.

– Export licenses: On Friday, June 19th, exports licenses were granted for 150,000 metric tons of maize, 120,000 metric tons of Soya meal, 92,000 metric tons soy oil, 56,000 metric tons of malt barley and 7,900 metric tons of sunflower seed.

Maize and soya beans: Maize is moving into the ports. On Friday, July 19th Friday, June 19th, 2,902 maize trucks arrived at Upriver ports, and on Saturday, June 20th, a further 2,129 maize trucks arrived. At Bahia Blanca 668 trucks were reported arrived on Friday June 19th, as well as 192 rail wagons. Local sources have however reported that farmers are holding on to soya and that little is being traded. This could partly be linked to the Vicentin crisis.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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