August 11th – Crew Changes

August 11th 2020

Crew Changes Argentina & Uruguay

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holidays: Monday August 17th, San Martin day.

Vicentin: The situation has left the headlines now that the Government have decided to drop the plan to nationalize the company. In the meantime the Chapter 11 process continues slowly. Vincentin seem to be running ever more short of cash. There is labor unrest at some of their industries in the home towns of Reconquista and Avellaneda, northern Santa Fé. The cotton processing plant is closed down because the staff are claiming that their wages are in arrears. Additionally to this the company has dropped in the agri-export ranking below fifth place. Normally they ranked fourth in volume, after Cofco, Cargill and Bunge. In the latest published statistics they have been overtaken by Glencore and are down to fifth place.

Upriver: A report issued by the Rosario Commerce Exchange (BCR) now holds that the entire Upriver agri-exporting area is ranked as the largest (measured in volume) agricultural product shipping area in the world, surpassing the NOLA/Mississippi area. The figure is based on exports during calendar year 2019 of 79 million tons.

Crew changes Argentina: Crew changes are not possible in Argentina TODAY. Despite earlier optimism the outlook now is for a further postponement of the resumption of flights within Argentina and to/from abroad. Originally this had been foreseen for early September but now this has been postponed to early November 2020, at the earliest.

Crew changes Uruguay: On and Off signing crew are allowed entry into the country under very strict restrictions. On signers must have a prior negative Covid 19 test 72 hours prior being allowed entry. Crew members boarding are not allowed to stop at any stage between landing at the airport (Montevideo) and boarding the vessel. Once onboard the vessel they must comply with a 14 day quarantine onboard before being allowed to work. Departing crew must proceed directly from the vessel to the airport. Considering that there are at the moment few international flights these requirements make it very difficult for crew members to enter or leave the country. Additionally to this before a boarding crew member is allowed permit of entry the agreement of Sanitary Authority, Immigration and CoastGuard must be obtained.
The best way of achieving a successful crew change at Uruguay is to have the vessel do this OUTBOUND at Recalada/Montevideo anchorage when the vessel’s schedule is not bound so much by weather and port congestions.

Maize: The total of confirmed sale contracts for maize exports from Argentina now stands at 2.5 million tons. This all to be performed within the next 15 days.

Export licenses: Export licenses were granted on August 11th for 63,000 metric tons of soymeal, only 20,000 metric tons of maize and 18,400 metric tons of soy oil.

San Lorenzo: Cargill Quebracho berth will be closed for maintenance between August 20th and August 23rd.

Arroyo Seco-Lagos/Dreyfus berths: The CoastGuard have issued a regulation, valid as from August 06th, that the maximum sailing draft for both Dreyfus berths, Dry and Liquid, is to be calculated according to the following formula: 9.20 meters Depth Plus Average River level of Rosario and Villa Constitución Minus 0.60 meters under keel clearance.
For today, August 11th it is: 9.03 meters (29 feet 07 inches FW)

Recalada: Recalada closes often due to swell, fog and high winds.

Necochea: The port closed on August 10th at 1030 hours local time due to high swell and strong winds.

Bahia Blanca: Pilotage service has been suspended during intervals over the last few days due to bad weather.

Bahia Blanca is imposing a 14 day quarantine on arriving vessels. This quarantine can be excepted if the terminal where the vessel will load produces proof that an earlier berthing is required. Also an agreement with the stevedores union that adequate precautionary measures will be taken to satisfy the workers attending onboard so as to avoid contagion.
Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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