May 13th – Soya bean, and derivative exports

1305 Soya bean, and derivative exports (2)


May 13th 2024

Soya bean, and derivative exports


National Holidays:

May 25th, 2024


Grains and Markets:

2 cargoes of Argentine Biodiesel have been bought by EU buyers, destination most likely Rotterdam.

Tunisians have purchased 2 Supramaxes of soya beans, June dates.

Philippines buyers are in the market for a Panamax of soya bean meal, June dates.

South Korea’s KFA has bought 65,000 tons of maize on June dates, origin unreported.

Taiwan has also purchased 65,000 tons of maize on July dates.

It is now reported that Egypt’s GASC has bought 73,000 tons of sunflower seed oil, plus 29,000 tons of soya bean oil, June, and July dates.

Soya bean, and derivative exports:

The Rosario Commercial Exchange has issued a report on soya beans, and its derivatives with a focus on markets to which it is sold.

The report shows that 21 per cent of the soya beans, and their derivative products, exported from Argentina are destined to the European Union.

As can be seen on the chart below, the volumes are steady, even if the value fluctuates.

Whereas the crushing industry in the EU is principally supplied by soya beans from Brazil or the United States, soya bean meal imports are provided principally from Argentina, about 35 per cent of EU imports.

This allows for the remnants of the soya bean crushing, namely, soya bean oil and biodiesel to exported to other areas that are outside the EU, namely US, India and China.



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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