May 17th – Grains and Markets


May 17th 2024

Grains and Markets

Weekend duty staff:

(Friday May 17th, until Monday May 20th, 2024 0800 hrs.)

HQ Buenos Aires:

Gastón Nicolas Cabrera     +54 9 11 5578 4559

Horacio Vázquez            +54 9 11 5578 4554



Fernando Marini            +54 9 11 2645 0537

Sebastián Ferrara          +54 9 11 3156 1679

Lautaro Álvarez            +54 9 11 6656 1678

Kevin Masia                +54 9 11 6919 2280

Lorenzo Olmedo             +54 9 11 5597 8590

Walter Néstor Travaglini   +54 9 11 3156 1680


National Holidays:

May 25th, 2024


Grains and Markets:

China is reported to have bought 13 Panamaxes of soya beans from Brazil, June dates.

Thailand are in the market to buy one Supramax of soya bean meal, August.

Colombians are still there for a Supramax of maize spot.

India has purchased 35,000 tons of soya bean oil on July dates.

Soya bean harvest:

The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange has issued an adjusted forecast for the now ongoing soya bean harvest.

The total volume estimated has been reduced from 51,000,000 tons to 50,500,000 tons.

Yields in the north area, where the harvest began, were lower than expected.

Nevertheless, the harvest continues, moving south and it is reported that over 60 per cent of the sown area has been harvested.


As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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