April 01st – Upriver Drought

Iguazú Falls normally

April 01st 2020

Upriver Drought

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

-Iguazú and Upriver: A severe drought is affecting Southern Brazil and Eastern Paraguay. The water feeding into the Paraná River from it’s catchment areas has been very reduced and the rains are not happening. Dams on the Rivers Iguazú and Parana have closed and are not allowing water through in order to maintain minimum energy output. The forecast for rain is minimal. This will soon be felt on the Lower Parana Upriver ports (San Lorenzo Southwards) and the max sailing draft is going to drop. The forecast until a short time ago was that by mid April the water level would increase but with this situation it will be revised.

Iguazú Falls today

-Sanitary Controls at Recalada:As mentioned previously the CoastGuard are performing preliminary Sanitary control on vessels arriving at Recalada prior to allowing them entry into the River Plate and Upriver ports. This is a preliminary control to ensure the health of pilots boarding for onward navigation. The final and definitive health control where the vessel is checked by Sanitary Doctor is performed at the Roads of the loading port and this is when Free Practique is granted, or refused. This is done on all vessels with less than 14 days sailing time from last port of call.

-Upriver: Vessels are loading normally and Unions are complying with the Mandatory “truce” that was dictated by the National Government.

-Necochea: This evening, shortly before this Circular was published, at 1900 hours the port was closed due to strong winds from the South West at 50 km/hour and swell at 2.0 meters height. Last vessel out was the mv STAR PIERA. The mv LADY I was not allowed to berth.

-Bahia Blanca: This port remains open as it is less subject to bad weather, but occasional suspensions of the pilot service may happen.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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