April 22th – Grounding River Parana – mv PACIFIC ACHIEVEMENT

April 22th 2024

Grounding River Parana – mv PACIFIC ACHIEVEMENT


National Holidays:

May 01st, Labor Day


Grains and Markets:

Iran’s SLAL are again tendering for 120,000 tons of soya bean meal on June-July dates.

Tunisians are wanting a Supramax of soya bean meal, June dates.

Thailand is looking for a Ultramax/Panamax of soya beans in May, and also, same volume/size for maize in June.

Grounding River Parana – mv PACIFIC ACHIEVEMENT:

The mv PACIFIC ACHIEVEMENT grounded at Km 341 of the River Parana today, April 21st, at about 02:30 hours.

The vessel is loaded with about 42,0000 tons of soya bean meal, proceeding from San Lorenzo to Thailand, on 10.19 meters draft.

The vessel was freed from grounding at 14:10 hours being assisted by tug COOPOR ESTIBADOR I and a Salvage Master.

Navigation downriver is interrupted but vessels proceeding Upriver in ballast may transit the area with special precautions.

Km 341 is downriver from San Nicolás.

Surveys at the area are underway.

The vessel remains anchored at San Pedro Roads under CoastGuard inspection.



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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