February 06th – Crew changes in Argentina

February 06th 2022

Crew changes in Argentina

National Holidays: Monday, February 28th and Tuesday March 01st, Carnival

Grains Markets and Trading:

The area dedicated to maize for the coming harvest has been increased again compared to last year. Under “normal” circumstances until 2020 the largest production grain used to be soya followed by maize. Since 2021 and due to the heavy export taxes levied maize is the preferred crop. For this season, the latest forecast issued by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange there is an expectation for 57 million tons of maize and 42 million tons of soya beans. This yield is as always subject to suitable weather conditions. At the moment the expectation is for more rain than had been originally forecast. One change is for expectation of the sunflowerseed crop which is now expected to be 3.5 million tons.

Viterra (formerly Glencore) is now intensifying negotiations locally in order to take control of the now judicially managed Vicentin. Vicentin declared chapter 11 during early 2020. A consortium of companies which includes Viterra, Molinos Agro and the Coop ACA are now managing most of the assets of the company and they are now looking for a permanent property agreement in order to control crushing and loading facilities located principally in Santa Fé province. This in addition to the 50 per cent stake in Renova plant which is a crushing and loading facility at Timbues (Northern Upriver).

Garbage Control

Garbage Control in Argentina has reverted from Coast Guard back to SENASA. With a return to SENASA there may be more frequent inspections. Masters are encouraged to pay special attention to stored quantities and securing of the garbage containers. These items were subject to special scrutiny by inspectors. The situation is being monitored closely and Masters will be pre-advised.

Covid-19 in Argentina: 40,094 new cases were reported on Friday February 04th. The amount of cases reported on a daily basis is dropping slightly every day. The Pandemic is far from extinguished but the expectation for a steady wind-down is optimistic.

Crew changes in Argentina are not yet straight forward:

Crew will only be allowed to disembark when a serious medical issue occurs.

In such a case a medical board will evaluate the situation and decide, but once again, crew disembarking is very complicated to perform.


Crew changes made at foreign port/s 14 days prior arrival at Argentine ports: Besides many other documents and certificates, these below are of special concern:

-Owner’s Crew changes protocol at foreign countries.

-Owner’s note (with signature and stamp of the Captain and Owners company) clarifying that the crew change was carried out taking all due precautions, etc.

-Medical certificate issued by certified professional in the country where the crew joined, not the country of origin.

-Covid test, PCR, for on-signers at port of boarding (not country of origin).

Lacking any of above (besides all usual documents) pilots will not be allowed to board until a 14 day period is counted starting from the moment the last crew-member has boarded.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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