February 2nd – LNG. A new further project in Bahia Blanca

February 2nd 2023

LNG. A new further project in Bahia Blanca


ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.

Weekend duty staff:  (Friday January 27th noon, until Monday January 30th, 2023 0800 hrs)

– HQ Buenos Aires:

German Stoppo              +54 9 11 6434 1673

Nicolas Fichi              +54 9 11 5578 4559

 – Upriver:

Sebastián Ferrara          +54 9 11 3156 1679

Franco Ostoic              +54 9 11 3156 1678

Walter Nestor Travaglini   +54 9 11 3156 1680


National Holidays: Monday and Tuesday, February 20th and 21st, Carnival


Grains and Markets:

US Dep of Agriculture now also puts Argentina’s soyabean harvest estimate at 36,000,000 tons.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange has reported that sowing of soya for 2023 harvest is now finished. The total area sown is 16,200,000 hectares. This report holds that now, with better rain, there will be a yield of 41,000,000 tons. There is still a long time to go until harvesting commences during early May. Imports of soya beans from Brazil are now reported to be in the range of 300/400,000 tons. Shipment dates February-March 2023. These imports are to feed the Upriver crushing plants. Flag waivers are no longer needed for this traffic.

Morocco is in the market for soya meal April-May dates, Egypt still looking for soya beans shipment April (mostly likely Panamax).

Colombia is looking for maize (Supramax) May dates.

LNG. A new further project in Bahia Blanca:

We have mentioned before the LNG project in Bahia Blanca that is currently underway as a joint Petronas-YPF undertaking.

There is now talk of a second project in Bahia Blanca which is being worked on by Pampa Energia and TGS, local money. This may be on a smaller scale than Petronas-YPF but is also based on Vaca Muerta gas and the best export outlet is Bahia Blanca. Pampa Energia has invested heavily in Vaca Muerta for oil and gas extraction. TGS is a wholesale gas distributor who owns or administrates gas pipelines in southern Argentina. TGS shares are also quoted on the NYSE.


Bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Groundings on the River Parana 2022:


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

For more information

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