June 16th – Grounding River Parana

June 16th 2023

Grounding River Parana


ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.


Weekend duty staff: (Friday June 16th, until Wednesday 21st, 2023, 0800 hrs)

HQ Buenos Aires:

Horacio Vazquez            +54 9 11 5578 4554

Gastón Cabrera             +54 9 11 5578 4556


Franco Gabriel Ostojic     +54 9 11 6656 1678

Kevin Masia                +54 9 11 6919 2280

Walter Nestor Travaglini   +54 9 11 3156 1680


National Holidays: June 17th, 19th and 20th.

Tugboat strike/Argentina:

The nationwide tugboat strike remains ongoing. At first SVITZER tugs were the only ones working but they have also joined. This is a wage related conflict.

Negotiations are ongoing, but at the moment of sending there is no positive result.

With inflation jogging along at a comfortable projected 140 per cent per annum the labor situation is going to very conflictive until the end of the year when the present Government at last leave office.

When the new Government takes over December 10th and tries to get things back on a normal path there will be further strife but hopefully activity will return to more normal parameters, and efforts will have to be made to reduce the HUGE Government deficit.


Grounding River Parana KM 312.5:

The mv BERGE TATEYAMA remains grounded at Km 312.5 (between Ramallo and San Pedro) of the River Parana since 09:25 hours this morning. After surveys in the area Coast Guard Traffic Control allowed transit of vessels past the grounded vessel.

Rescue/Refloating operations are being conducted without tugboat assistance due the mentioned strike.

Grains and Markets:

Sowing of wheat is now well underway in the northern part of the country. Recent rainfall in these areas has encouraged farmers to cover all the best surface forecasts. If the weather and rains are “normal” we could be returning a good harvest for 2023/2024, something in the order of 26,000,000 tons. But there is a long way to go.

Egypt has finally purchased 12,000 tons of soya oil and 6,000 tons of sunflower seed oil on July dates.

Malaysia is in the market for a Panamax of maize on September dates. Iran will be tendering for 120,0009 tons of maize on July/August dates.

Bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:


As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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