June 30th 2022


ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.

Week end duty staff: (Friday, July 01st as from 1200 hours until Monday July 04th 2022, 0800 hrs)

– HQ Buenos Aires:

Gastón Cabrera +54 9 11 5578 4556

Horacio Vazquez +54 9 11 5578 4554

– Upriver:

Agustin More +54 9 11 6656 1677

Pablo Andres Faggiani +54 9 11 3156 1681

Walter Nestor Travaglini +54 9 11 3156 1680

National Holidays:Saturday, Saturday, July 09th – Independence Day

Individual Truck Owners Protest
Protests by Individual Truck Owners are beginning to slack. At least one group has decided to lift demonstrations.
Diesel fuel remains in severe shortage all over the country. YPF, the State Petroleum company, has announced imports of ten (10) shipments of 50 thousand cubic meters of diesel fuel each.
Situation as reported today:
Upriver (San Lorenzo and Rosario):
Demonstrations at road junctions are reported to be lifted this evening, until next week.
Truck deliveries are severely diminished.

Source: Agroentregas S.A.

San Nicolas area:
Truck service within the port is mostly normal. San Nicolás, now is principally a port used for discharge and transshipment of fertilizers in bulk.

Access to the port was blocked since Monday 27th 00:00 hours.
This afternoon (30th) the blockade was lifted.
No grain cargo was being delivered. Vessels are being loaded with stocks in silos while same last.
Terminals are shifting vessel’s loading turns to be able to continue operating.

Bahia Blanca:
Diminished cargo delivery to the terminals. One terminal has reported “off the record” to be out of some grains.
Transport within the port is normal. Discharge operations remain underway.

River Parana Draft Forecast:
Basis INA Report of June 28th and Depth Report of June 30th

River level is descending. Nevertheless, the forecast is that water levels will not be as low as during 2021.

Farmer’s protest:
Added to the protest by transport, the farmers have announced a protest for July 13th. On that day they will not be selling or trading any goods. This protest is in “sympathy” with the truck owner’s protest. Farmers are complaining that the lack of diesel, and spare tires is causing a disruption in the harvesting.

Grains and Markets:
According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange 46 per cent of the maize harvest is completed. The initial forecast is of 49 million tons total for 2022.
Turkey is reported in the market for 18 thousand of sunoil. July dates.

Parana River Dredging:
A statement has been made from official sources that the first proposals for a new long-term tender to dredge and maintain the River Parana will be available during October/November, this year. Not much else has been stated.
The source of this statement was AGP who are presently administrating the maintenance dredging after the completion of the contract with Hidrovia S.A.
Hopefully, this “forthcoming” proposal will go further than just a rerun of the previous contract and will allow or propose for a significant improvement of the system. Meaning by this: wider canals, improved depth, and improved anchorage areas.

Uruguay River Dredging:
The same sources mentioned also stated a firm intention to dredge the Uruguay River to 34 feet. The Uruguay River does not have such a large hinterland as the Parana. It empties into the River Plate at the Martin Garcia Canal where the draft is close to 34 feet (10.36 meters) currently. The main agricultural port in Argentina is Concepción del Uruguay and the main ports in Uruguay are Fray Bentos and Nueva Palmira.

GMO Wheat from Argentina:
US Food and Drug Administration has given a favorable review for HB4 genetically modified wheat. There still remains approval from USDA and the EPA for full use of this variety in the US. This is an encouraging move along with approval from Australia and New Zealand.

The port administration at Bahia Blanca has reduced the “entry” tariffs for vessels that stop at the Roads for lifting bunkers only.
This is an 18 per cent reduction, and it reflects as a reduction of about USD 3,500 on a Capesize, down from USD 26,000 to USD 22,500, and a reduction of USD 2,000 on a Panamax, down from USD 16,000 to USD 14,000.

Weather over the Long Weekend. Bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:

STS BUNKER AT ZONA COMUN FOR NEXT DAYS: Wind gusts are forecast to get stronger as from Friday into Saturday.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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