May 03rd – Ballast Water Reporting

May 03rd 2022

Ballast Water Reporting

National Holidays:

Wednesday May 18th CENSUS DAY and May 25th, May Revolution Day.

Work stoppage May 01st:
Tanker barge crews called a work stoppage late April 30th for all day May 01st. Some of the Unions (Fluvial Masters, sailors and Engineers) instructed their members to stop work as from 00.00 hours until 24.00 hours. This has effectively brought all bunkering operations to a halt. There was no fore warning.

River Parana Draft Forecast as per INA Report:

DRAFT FORECAST (Calculated as per Current Shallowest Points Apr 28 2022)

San Lorenzo’s shallowest point now located at EP. BORGHI/BELLA VISTA 447,2 depth of 9.2 M at Zero datum
Rosario’s shallowest point now located at Emp Alvear/Canal Muelles Ros 410.3 depth of 9.4M at Zero datum
San Nicolas’ shallowest point now located at Arriba Obligado Km 311,6 depth of 9.9M at Zero datum

Under certain conditions, when Rosario and San Lorenzo are under a surge that does not reach San Nicolas, then the bar located near to San Nicolas will act as the bottleneck to all upriver ports (Rosario and San Lorenzo).

ACA Berth, San Lorenzo:
The CoastGuard now allow ACA San Lorenzo to berth vessels up to 230 meters LOA.

Grains and Markets:
Within the EU, Germany is expected to increase bio-diesel imports. This is a way to reduce the use of locally produced feed grains to produce bio-fuel, while at the same time maintain emission reduction quotas.
Demand for barley from Argentine Atlantic ports remain strong with barley being the largest grain being discharged at Necochea.
Soya crushing at Upriver is intensifying as demand for soy oil and meal is expected to peak during 2022.
Argentine maize is now allowed unrestricted import into the EU via Spain and Portugal.

Pilotage tariffs increase recap 2022:
As from February 1st, River Plate Pilots announced an increase of about 5% on transportation expenses (ground and boat services).
As from May 1st, Parana River Pilots announced an increase of about 5% on transportation expenses (ground and boat services).
As from May 1st, Port Pilots have announced an increase of about 17% on transportation expenses (ground and boat services).
Additionally Port pilots have now “interpreted” the regulations in the same light as other pilots, and they will start charging for dropping and weighing anchors. These additional “maneuvers”, when they take place, will involve extra charges of (usd 14 x vessel’s FU ((LOA x BEAM x DEPTH)/800)), about USD 2,000.00 for Supramax vessels and USD 2,500.00 for Panamax vessels. While port pilots will start applying it this year, River Plate and Parana River Pilots have been charging additional maneuvers for several years already.

Ballast Water Reporting:

The CoastGuard have advised that as from now they will be resuming Ballast Water inspections on vessels arriving in Argentina. The inspections are mainly carried out once at the loading port roads. Masters must take special care when preparing ballast water reports. We will gladly assist them with this.

Bahia Blanca stevedores:

Stevedores are stopping work for one to two hours during each six-hour shift in protest claiming a Covid-19 bonus. This action has now been ongoing for a few weeks.

ARGENTINA – Crew changes:

Regulations for Crew Changes are being relaxed in almost all major Ports (except Necochea),

ANTARES: We attach to this News a but for Nationals(*) needing VISA

the process is still quite long.

Process for Crew Change:

1.Prior boarding authorization must be obtained from the Sanitary Authority and afterwards from Immigration.
2.Joining and departing crew must have full vaccination scheme completed (two doses) 48 hours prior joining or departing vessel.
3.A sworn statement must be signed.
4.Joining and departing crew that do NOT have the full vaccination scheme must have an antigen test performed not more than 48 hours prior or a PCR test not more than 72 hours prior joining or departing the vessel.
5.Joiner/s must enter Argentina via a “designated safe corridor” (Buenos Aires International Airport).
6.Requests for visas to be issued at Consulates must be presented to Immigration offices, via Agents on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
7.Immigration will issue the requested visas three days after they were requested and deliver on Tuesday and Thursdays for forwarding to Consulates.
Estimated Time for On Signers without needing VISA: 5/7 (five/seven) days
Estimated Time for On Signers needing VISA: 10 (ten) days
Estimated Time for Off Signers: 5 (five) days


(*) Passport Required VISA Full List

Crew changes made at foreign port/s 14 days prior arrival at Argentine ports:
Besides many other documents and certificates, these below are of special concern:
-Owner’s Crew changes protocol at foreign countries.
-Owner’s note (with signature and stamp of the Captain and Owners company) clarifying that the crew change was carried out taking all due precautions, etc.
-Medical certificate issued by certified professional in the country where the crew joined, not the country of origin.
-Covid test, PCR, for on-signers at port of boarding (not country of origin).
Lacking any of above (besides all usual documents) pilots will not be allowed to board until a 14-day period is counted starting from the moment the last crew-member has boarded.

Travaglini +54 9 11 3156 1680

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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