May 04th – Wheat Market

May 04th 2020

Wheat Market

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday: Monday, May 25th, May Revolution.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine, with severe restrictions on movement will remain in force until May 10th.

Wheat: Market reports indicate that Brazil and Peru are in the market for wheat on July dates.

Bunkers: Bunker supplies remain available in Argentina. Despite the slowdown in the oil refining business there has been no problem providing bunkers and prices are reportedly competitive in the range of USD 275/280 per metric ton of IFO 380. There have been bottlenecks in supply last week but this is because bad weather has affected physical deliveries.

River Parana draft: Dry weather is still affecting all southern Brazil. Until this changes and the rain starts falling regularly in the River Parana, Paraguay and Iguazu basins the lower draft restrictions will remain in place.

Necochea: The port opened again May 03rd, 0840 hours with improved weather conditions, and without restrictions.

Bahia Blanca: The port authority has lifted the requirement that vessels coming from Uruguay comply with the 14 day quarantine period. This 14 days quarantine is still required for all vessels coming from other foreign ports, regardless of whether they have called at another Argentine port previously. The 14 day quarantine counts from the day of departure from that last foreign port.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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