May 13th – Wheat Reports

May 13th 2020

Wheat Reports

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday: Monday, May 25th, May Revolution.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine will remain in force until May 24th. Buenos Aires and the surrounding areas (Greater Buenos Aires) will have stricter regulation limiting movement. The rest of the country where cases have been fewer will be allowed to relax restrictions.
At the main ports the sanitary measures remain unchanged and working well coordinated. The Ships Agency activities being related to foreign trade is one of the excepted from quarantine.

Export licenses: Yesterday, May 12th, export licenses were applied for 140,000 metric tons of maize, 17,500 metric tons of soyabeans and 8,500 metric tons of soyaoil.

Upriver draft: In addition to the comment in yesterday’s news. The Uruguay pilots association have drawn our attention to the Martin Garcia Channel. The River Uruguay has the same catchment area as the River Parana and is also very low on water. The Martin Garcia Channel, which is down river at the north eastern end of the River Plate and gives access to Nueva Palmira and Fray Bentos is also being affected by the lack of water. Usually Martin Garcia is a tidal area, but the severe lack of water volume in the River Uruguay is modifying the behavior of tidal flows and the usual high tides used for transit to Nueva Palmira are sometimes not appearing when the wind blows from the north or northwest quarter. Vessels transiting on the usual 10.36 meter draft used for passing may have to wait longer than usual for the right conditions.
Nueva Palmira, Uruguay – ASP-B

Nueva Palmira


Wheat in Brazil and Argentina: A new report looking at the forthcoming 2020/2021 wheat season expects that Brazil will be consuming a greater volume of wheat next year. On this basis, and with the right weather conditions the Brazilian harvest is expected to be slightly larger than 2019/2020. Nevertheless the demand will increase even more. This makes for an optimistic scenario for Argentine wheat which also expects increased yields of up to max 24.5 million tons (up from 18.5 million tons 2019/2020). Y}The increased sowing and yield in Argentina is also expected to lift the demand for fertilizers by 6 to 8 per cent. Some of these fertilizers, DAP, are wholly imported, not so urea which is produced locally.
Necochea: The port reopened on May 12th at 1025 hours thanks to improved weather conditions.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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