May 15th – YPF | Vaca Muerta, Northern Patagonia project/s


May 15th 2024

YPF | Vaca Muerta, Northern Patagonia project/s


National Holidays:

May 25th, 2024


Grains and Markets:

South Korea’s MFG has confirmed purchase of 2 times 66,000 tons of maize on July dates from ECSA.

South Korea’s NOFI is wanting 68,000 tons of maize, August days.

Morocco is reported in the market for a Panamax of soya bean meal, June dates.

Colombians are still there for a Supramax of maize in June.

Nigerians are reported in the market for a Supramax of maize July dates.

YPF – Vaca Muerta, Northern Patagonia project/s:

YPF, the state majority held oil company is moving ahead with projects to further open up shale oil and gas fields to export markets.

Soon (June-July) a tender will be called for the construction of a crude oil pipeline from Vaca Muerta to Punta Colorada, on the eastern Atlantic coast. This pipeline will supply the storage facility to be constructed ashore and the two SBMs that will be used to load Suezmax tankers.

The pipeline is to be about 550 kilometers in length. Please see the map below.

What remains to be determined still, maybe end June, is where the new gas liquefaction plant is to be installed.
Both Punta Colorada and Bahia Blanca remain options open for the installation of the liquefaction plant.
This is a joint venture for YPF alongside with Petronas.
The plan is that LNG is to be exported through the facility, firstly through one or two floating installations and then later from a shore installation.


As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

For more information

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