May 21st – Agriculture

May 21st 2020

Agriculture, soya and wheat

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

COVID-19 and pilots: New regulations have been issued by Sanitary Authority in response to pressure being put on vessels arriving with less than 14 days sailing time from foreign ports. The protocols require further pre-arrival reporting to be sent to authorities regarding health prevention and possible fumigation requirements. Otherwise all remains the same. Fortunately no additional time hindrance has been added to vessels entering Upriver through Recalada. Please remember that vessels arriving from foreign ports at Necochea and Bahia Blanca must have the 14 days quarantine period. Pilots and pilot companies will have to undertake further prevention for the boarding pilots.

National Holiday: Monday, May 25th, May Revolution.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine will remain in force until May 24th. Buenos Aires and the surrounding areas (Greater Buenos Aires) will have stricter regulation limiting movement. The rest of the country where cases have been fewer will be allowed to relax restrictions.
At the main ports the sanitary measures remain unchanged and working well coordinated. The Ships Agency activities being related to foreign trade is one of the excepted from quarantine.

Export Licenses: Today, May 21st, export licenses were issued for 168,000 metric tons of maize, 50,000 metric tons of soya beans and 30,300 metric tons of wheat.

Agriculture, soya and wheat: The agricultural trading and exporting business in Argentina is still very concerned about the lack of draft in the River Parana and the problems being caused during this year. Vessels in order to fulfill commitments must now load at Upriver and complete at Necochea or Bahia Blanca. This additional expense is eventually rolling back at farmers and their incomes. Nevertheless they remain expectant as the soya harvest is coming to an end and the estimates are still for a general total of 49.5 million tons overall yield. The sowing of the wheat for the 2020/21 crop has begun in the far North and it is expected that yields, weather permitting, will be at good levels as well as better prices, notwithstanding the pandemic, which will improve demand and prices for wheat at the expense of soya and maize.

Parana River draft: Further to our report yesterday. It is now suspected that the sand bank off Unidad VI and Unidad VII Servicios Portuarios Elevator is the result of the maneuvers that took place during last week to free the mv TENRO MARU from her berth at TPR Rosario, Muelle Nuevo, Southside. You may recall that the mv TENRO MARU, loaded iron ore and this berth. Upon completing loading it was found that the vessel was firmly aground and unable to sail. She was eventually freed from the grounding assisted by two tugs. She anchored at Rosario Auxiliary Roads and is now being lightered in order to reach a draft whereby she may sail downriver. It is believed that as a result of these efforts to free the vessel the silt underneath and alongside the vessel was pushed southwards to where the elevator berth ,lies and thereby cause the appearance of the sand bank which is now causing trouble to the elevator.

Necochea: The port closed May 20th at 1810 hours due to strong winds and 1.30 meters swell.
Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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