May 9th – Crew changes Prior Arrival in Argentine Ports

May 6nd 2021

Crew changes Prior Arrival in Argentine Ports

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

We invite you all to visit our webpage which now includes a gallery of pictures and videos of the ports and berths Upriver which we trust will provide better guidance as where your vessel’s call. A PICTURE (AND A VIDEO) PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS.

National Holidays: Monday, May 24th Bridge Holiday, Tuesday May 25th May Revolution Day.

LNG: Argentina will again have an energy deficit this year, particularly gas. Some 47 shipments of LNG will be imported (37 already awarded and 10 to be tendered), for now.

New Immigration fees: Immigration have announced an increase in the tariff for vessel’s entry and outward clearance. As from May 01st the applicable rate will be USD 1,000.00 for entry/outward clearance at berth and USD 1,500.00 for entry/outward clearance at Roads.

Hidrovia: The contract with Hidrovia SA (Jan de Nul + Emepa) who dredge, buoy and manage the River Parana and River Plate (Recalada to Santa Fé) expired on April 30th. In a last minute move the Government extended it for a further 90 days. Tendering for a new management, hopefully with better design and depth is still stalled.

Argentina/Brazil Maritime Traffic: The treaty that governed maritime traffic between Argentina and Brazil was denounced (voided) by the Brazilian government. Due to this, as from February 05th 2022 maritime traffic between Argentina and Brazil will be open to all vessels. This means that, unless something changes during that period, it will be no longer necessary to obtain “flag waivers” for cargo loaded between the two countries. Up until now the only cargoes exempted from this requirement were wheat, crude petroleum and iron ore. As from February 05th 2022 all cargoes will be open to all vessels.

Tugboats: Crews are working normally since May 8th. The only exception is at Necochea port where tugs work 12 hours to count as from first service rendered during the day.

Necochea and Bahia Blanca: Both Bahia Blanca and Necochea stevedores are demanding a 14 day quarantine for vessels calling at these ports. The 14 days are counted as from the day of departure from the last foreign port of call. This period to count even if the vessel has been granted Free Practique and called at another Argentine port. These are local issues and must be solved locally. Meetings with the unions have been held, but so far no agreement has been reached.

Bunker delivery at Zona Comun: A recent ruling has been issued by Customs that is hampering delivery of bunkers at Zona Comun for vessels proceeding from Upriver with completion at Bahia Blanca. The ruling considers that this “intermediate” delivery of bunkers enables vessels to trade within Argentine home waters with the supposed “benefit” of not paying local taxes from which bunkers for export are benefitted. It is believed that this ruling is put forward by commercial interests in Bahia Blanca so as to “corner” the market in their benefit. Vessels proceeding to complete in Necochea are not included in this ruling since it can be proven that there is no bunker supply (FOIL) in Necochea and that delivery at Zona Comun is therefore the last possible alternative. Arguments can be put forward to Customs in cases where it can be proven that the delivery is necessary due to not enough fuel available onboard the vessel to reach Bahia Blanca safely. We suggest that in cases where bunkers are considered for delivery at Zona Comun, for vessels proceeding via Bahia Blanca, that this be broached with eventual bunker suppliers.

Bahia Blanca dredging: During the coming week two dredgers will start work in the access canal of Bahia Blanca. This is maintenance work and navigation is not expected to be interrupted.

River Parana Draft: Prospects for improvement in the maximum permissible sailing draft are not to be expected for the forthcoming months. It would be fluctuating around 9.70m. There is still very little rain in the catchments areas of South Brazil, Paraguay and Eastern Bolivia. Please see the map below.
Under this pessimistic scenario, the tidal ranges of the River Plate will be affecting the maximum sailing draft for Upriver ports as far north as San Lorenzo. This has been appreciated during the week where the River Parana had a temporary recovery. Reason: Persistent S-SE winds out at sea which filled the River Plate and caused a back-up effect. After this, regretfully, matters will be returning to what we´ve been seeing last week.

 Rain forecast for the coming 7 days
Rains in upper reaches last week. The drop is not forecast to be too significant and the River level will then recove

Covid-19 Quarantine Restrictions (Update): The second wave of Covid is arriving firmly in Argentina. The Government announced last Friday Apr 30th that the lock down will continue until May 21st. Schools are closed and no circulation in the streets is allowed between 2000 and 0600 hours. These measure affects Buenos Aires and also other cities. Maritime activity is not expected to be disturbed.

Crew changes prior arrival in Argentine ports:The Sanitary Authority have become more strict on health checks for all vessels arriving within the 14 day quarantine period. They are taking special care with vessels that have changed crews in Brazil.

The following list of requirements are asked to be presented prior granting Free Practique:

-Maritime Declaration of health.

-Crew temperature log (every 12 hours).

-Imo crew list (with embarkation date).

-Disinfection statement.

-Covid questionnaire.

-Traveler health declaration.

-Vaccination list.

-Visitor’s log book for last 14 days or last port if more than 14 days of navigation. Including crew interaction with people ashore, giving the purpose of said interaction.

-Owner/Head Owner/Disponent Owner’s COVID-19 plan/protocol.

-Owner/Head Owner/Disponent Owner’s crew change protocol [in foreign countries].

-Owner’s note (with signature and stamp of the Captain and Owners company) clarifying that the crew change was carried out taking all due precautions, etc.

-Medical certificate issued by competent professional.

-Covid test for on signers at port of boarding.

-Sworn declaration of all joining crew including traceability of last 14 days prior boarding, referring to the following:

– Place of residence.

– Places they have visited in the last 14 days.

– Trips they have taken in the last 14 days.

– Type of transportation they have used to go to the airport.

– Layovers [place and time elapsed].

– If any crew member has had any COVID-19 symptom.

Puerto Madryn: Vessels and off shore rigs are using Puerto Madryn’s sheltered anchorage to perform maintenance, hull inspection and lay-up off this central Patagonia port. The port has adequate support facilities. (42°46′S 65°3′W).

 Rain forecast for the coming 7 days
Prospects for improvement in the maximum permissible sailing draft are not to be expected for the forthcoming months.

Asian Gypsy Moth Inspections in Argentina: Same as is happening in many other countries Argentina will also start implementing inspections on all vessels coming from Far East Pacific ports on account of Asian Gypsy Moth. The inspections will be performed by SENASA (National Animal and Vegetable Health Service) as from April 12th, 2021. All vessels that have called at ports in China, Koreas, Japan and Far East Russia within the last 24 months (2 years) will have to be reported by Agents to SENASA. If the vessel has called at these ports between April and October she will be inspected. If, during the inspection the vessel is found to be affected by AGM she will need to be fumigated by a certified company. Until this procedure is performed the vessel will not be allowed to sail by the CoastGuard. Inspections are usually performed while vessel is alongside and in daylight hours.

Oil Spill Response at Zona Comun: Once again a group of people are pressuring Owners to take coverage for Oil Spill Response on vessels taking bunkers at Zona Comun. The bunker suppliers and the bunker barge Owners were able to prove to the local CoastGuard Station (PNA La Plata) that present arrangements in place were satisfactory. We draw your attention to this so that bunker suppliers absorb any related expense within the sales contract.

Crew changes Argentina: The borders remain closed and crew changes are not permitted. Limited internal flights are functioning again. These restrictive practices are causing problems to vessels calling in Argentina and undue inconveniences to the crews. Local entities and associations are pressuring for resumption of this “normal” activity.

Crew changes Uruguay: On and Off signing crew are allowed entry into the country under very strict restrictions. On signers must have a prior negative Covid 19 test 72 hours prior being allowed entry. Crew members boarding are not allowed to stop at any stage between landing at the airport (Montevideo) and boarding the vessel. Once onboard the vessel they must comply with a 14 day quarantine onboard before being allowed to work. Departing crew must proceed directly from the vessel to the airport. Considering that there are at the moment few international flights these requirements make it very difficult for crew members to enter or leave the country. Additionally to this before a boarding crew member is allowed permit of entry the agreement of Sanitary Authority, Immigration and CoastGuard must be obtained.
The best way of achieving a successful crew change at Uruguay is to have the vessel do this OUTBOUND at Recalada/Montevideo anchorage when the vessel’s schedule is not bound so much by weather and port congestions.

Crew changes Chile: Chilean colleagues have supplied us with the following detail to proceed for crew changes in Chile:
Kindly note a protocol has been issued to allow crew changes while our borders are still closed for non Chilean citizens, here you will find requiring points to be complied with:


Authorities are allowing for crew members to disembark and take their flights from Chile to their final destinations with following conditions:

• Providing all information about the intended disembarking to the Health, Maritime, Migration Authorities via Agency at least 72 hours in advance including names, citizenship, passport number, name of vessel, and full repatriation flight schedule (attached file with data requested).

• Completing a 14 days quarantine period on board in good health condition since the vessel sailed from the last foreign port prior to disembarking in Chile.

• Submitting the on-line affidavit for travelers to prevent Coronavirus diseases (attached).

• Not presenting any symptoms of COVID19 (Health Service may order a health check at any time)

• Moving directly from the disembarking port to the airport or designated sanitary residence (in case 14 days of quarantine not completed). Max. period permitted in the hotel is 5 days.

• Wearing personal health protection items such as face mask, face shield, gloves and hand sanitizer while in our country.


Before trip

We need to send to Ministry of Transport a few points (attached file with data requested).

Once received and double checked, they will send the approval to Consulate where joiner will come from.

The crew member must going personally to the respective Consulate, for taking a picture, fingerprint.

If all going well, the consulate will notify to Immigration, Health Service and sanitary borders, that crew member can travel and get in to Chilean territory.

Along with this a safe-conduct document will be provided. This document will be mandatory and must be presented on arrival to Chile.

IMPORTANT: Only crew members who does not require Chilean visa to come to Chile can apply to safe-conduct.

Once arrived to Chile.

At any time, must wear facial mask and carry own protective items for COVID-19

Immigration would check that all documents are in order, if so, will be provided the SHORE PASS (crew member immigration card).

The Health Inspector will make an evaluation of crew health, if do not have any symptom of COVID 19, her entry will be granted.

In case to have any symptom or to result positive in the preliminary Covid test, would be isolated and the entry would be denied.

Transportation from International airport to the port must be exclusive. So, domestic flights are not permitted and either intercity buses service (commercial).

Also important for both, on signers and off signers, is to have tentative flight schedule (complete route), this is necessary to start formalities with authorities.

We estimate about 5-7 business days to complete formalities.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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