October 10th – Grains and Markets

October 10th 2023

Grains and Markets


National Holidays: Friday October 13th and Monday October 16th.


Grains and Markets:

South Korea’s FLC has purchased 2x 65,000 tons of maize for delivery on January dates, origin so far unreported.

Tunisia is reported in the market for a Supramax of soya beans in December. Malaysia is reported to be wanting a Supramax in December, also.

Algeria has bought 60,000 tons of maize and 30,000 tons of barley on November dates.

Soya bean crushing in Argentina:

Local sources estimate that by the end of October two thirds of the crushing plants will be closing down due to the lack of soya beans. There will remain only 3,000,000 tons of soya beans in stock until harvesting commences in 2024.

Wheat forecast for 2023-2024:

The upcoming wheat harvest for 2023-2024 is estimated to be in the order of 16,500,000 tons. Considering usual internal demand the export volume would be in the order of 7,000,000 tons.



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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