June 05th – Upriver Ports

June 05th 2020

Delays upon arrival at Upriver ports

In view of the ongoing developing situation and different communications and instructions being issued by Sanitary Authorities of the Argentine Government we have chosen to send a consolidated daily report at the closing of working hours with an update of the day’s news.

National Holiday:
Monday, June 15th, Güemes Day. Saturday, June 20th, Flag Day.

Covid-19 National Quarantine: The National Quarantine has now been extended until June 28th.
At the main ports the sanitary measures remain unchanged and attendance is well coordinated. The Ship’s Agency tasks are allowed to continue with few restrictions and strict sanitary procedures are applied. Upriver ports are working close to normal with strict sanitary enforcement.

As mentioned before Bahia Blanca and Necochea are very rigid imposing in nearly all cases a 14 day quarantine on arriving vessels. The 14 days are counted as from departure from the last port of call.

Pest Control: *THIS IS IMPORTANT* Lately many vessels arriving were being scrutinized by Sanitary Authorities and a Pest Control Plan and Certificate has been required. As from now all arriving vessels will be required to have a valid Pest Control Plan and Certificate. This is part of the increased controls brought in by the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Since we are on the subject it is worthwhile reminding all shipowners/operators that all vessels coming from ANY AFRICAN PORT, with the exception of the Republic of South Africa, must be fumigated on arrival. This is a Sanitary directive issued in 2004.

Delays upon arrival at Upriver ports: There is a situation arising with vessels upon arrival at San Lorenzo and Rosario roads. Due to the strict Sanitary Authority controls being performed on vessels arriving from foreign countries by the Sanitary Authority and at the same time the limited quantity of qualified personnel vessels are being delayed. An additional problem that arises is that the pilots that bring the vessel are not allowed to disembark until the vessel is granted Free Practique. Because of that the pilots are charging a demurrage if they have to wait onboard upon arrival.

Necochea: The port remains open. The town of Necochea remains in lockdown.

Bahia Blanca: Pilotage service is being rendered normally.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,
Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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