April 05th – TGM, Montevideo

April 05th 2023

TGM, Montevideo


ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.


Weekend duty staff: (Thursday, April 6th, until Monday April 10th, 2023, 0800 hrs)

Horacio Vazquez            +54 9 11 5578 4554

Nicolas Fichi              +54 9 11 5578 4559


Franco Gabriel Ostojic     +54 9 11 6656 1678

Kevin Masia                +54 9 11 6919 2280

Walter Nestor Travaglini   +54 9 11 3156 1680


National Holidays: Easter Thursday April 6th and Easter Friday April 7th.


Grains and Markets:

The Philippines and Tunisia are reported to be in the market for soya meal on June and August dates.

Soya meal exports for 2023 are forecast at 20,000,000 tons.

Colombia is reported to be in for a Supramax of maize in August and Egypt for a Panamax in June.

Soya bean “Bonus” exchange rate season:

Just to make life more interesting, the Government is going to launch a third “bonus” exchange rate season for soya bean exports. The launch date is not announced but it will be soon after Easter Sunday (April 9th). For those who missed the previous ones, this consists in a preferential official exchange rate to be applied to all exports of soya over a thirty-day period. There were two previous similar schemes. One is September and one in December 2022. This allows the Government to “earn” more funds, and USD, over a short period of time and causes an upwards bump in exports over the period. Then, as trade patterns are disrupted, there is a shortage of soya beans in the coming months. This has affected the local feed compound industry, crushers and specially the dairy farmers who rely on a steady flow of meals.

The main beneficiaries of this scheme, after the Government, are the Chinese buyers who see a larger volume on the market for a short period of time. Panamax owners, who carry the cargoes, are also happy.

Strike in Necochea:

Starting April 03rd morning a series of strikes are affecting vessels operating in Necochea. It started with tally clerks halting work on the mv JOHN P at berth 3. They were then joined by those clerks at the mv PACIFIC SENTINEL at berth 1. Later, at noontime, the grain controllers joined in (URGARA). Consequently, all vessels loading and discharging in Necochea are not operating. The strike is open ended. This is a wage related claim.

Today, 4th late pm, the strike has been lifted pending negotiations.

TGM, Montevideo:

TGM North berth, in Montevideo has commenced operations yesterday, April 3rd, when the mv ATALANTI.GR berthed to load a cargo of maize.

The terminal consists of an open berth 245 meters in length where geared vessels can operate. It is expected to operate mainly grains and fertilizers.

Reported maximum draft alongside is 12.80 meters.



Bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:


As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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