July 10th – Port of Buenos Aires

July 10th  2023

Port of Buenos Aires


National Holidays: Monday August 21st, 2023


Grains and Markets:

South Korea (MFG) passed on its tender for a Panamax of maize 4Q 2023.

Japan and Egypt are in the market for Panamaxes full of maize on August/September dates.

Port of Buenos Aires, container Terminals:

Concessions for container terminals in the port of Buenos Aires have begun expiring since mid-2021.

Due to construction work still being underway at the landfill for a new terminal (or terminals) and no news on the horizon as to how new concessions will be awarded, the terminals that were are awarded in the 90’s have had their contracts extended until 2024.

Nevertheless BACTSSA Terminal 5 (Hutchinson Ports) have decided to withdraw from their operation in the port effective July 3rd.

BACTASSA/Hutchinson operated on the north shore and pierhead of Basin D, Northside.

Since April 2021, no vessels had called at this terminal.

BACTSSA/Hutchinson – Basin D

Terminals 1, 2 and 3 are operated by Dubai Ports (TRP).

Terminal 4 is operated by Maersk (APM Terminals).

When the landfill is completed, the port will look as per below:

The plan is to have two terminals.

One will be in the area where old terminals now operate, and another terminal will be in the area of the landfill

Satellite view of the landfill mid 2023

STS Bunker at zona comun for next days:

As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

For more information

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