July 17th – Ushuaia pier construction completed

July 17th  2023

Ushuaia pier construction completed


National Holidays: Monday August 21st, 2023


Grains and Markets:

Cuba is in the market for an October Supramax of soya meal, Malaysia is looking for a Panamax of soya meal on November dates.

South Korea (MFG) has closed a deal for 68,000 tons of maize on October/November dates. Japan is in the market for a Panamax of maize in October and The Philippines are rumored to be in the market for another Panamax but on November dates. Egypt, subject to getting funding, may be wanting a Panamax of maize in October.

China is also said to be wanting Brazilian maize.


Updated grains forecast for Argentina:

The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange published an update of the maize harvest forecast. The 2022/2023harvest is now reported at 58 per cent completed. The total is now foreseen as 34,000,000 tons, this is down (thanks to the drought) from 52,000,000 tons harvested in the 2021/2022 harvest.

The wheat crop, whose sowing is now underway, is reported being 86 per cent completed. There has been rain over southern Province of Buenos Aires, main production area, which gives room for optimism.

The Rosario Commercial Exchange (BCR) has reduced their forecast for the soya bean crop to 20,000,000 tons. Mainly because of reduced quality caused by the drought.

Sowing of barley for the 2023/2024 crop is also underway. 77 per cent of the sowing is completed. The rains mentioned above are also falling over the barley producing area which raises the spirits of the farmers.

Ushuaia pier construction completed:

The construction of the pier extension at Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) is now completed and officially inaugurated.

The length of the pier is now 80 meters longer (total 740 meters on the north side) and will have increased it’s capacity by 20 per cent.

Tierra del Fuego, being an island, has this port as the main access point.

It serves cargo vessels, fishing craft and during the Southern Hemisphere summer there are about 500 calls of cruise vessels and is serves as a base for Antarctic operations.


STS Bunker at zona comun for next days:

As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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