August 18th – Argentina wheat 2022 harvest

August 18th 2022

Argentina wheat 2022 harvest

ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.

Week end duty staff:(Friday, August 19th as from 1200 hours until Monday August 22nd, 0800 hrs)

– HQ Buenos Aires:

Germán Stoppo +54 9 11 6434 1673

Nicolás Fichi +54 9 11 5578 4559

– Upriver:

Sebastián José Ferrara +54 9 11 3156 1679

Franco Gabriel Ostojic +54 9 11 6656 1678

Walter Nestor Travaglini +54 9 11 3156 1680

National Holidays: Friday, October 07th and Monday October 10th

River Parana Draft Forecast:

Grains and Markets:

Morocco is reported to be looking for one Supramax of soya meal to be loaded in October. Colombia in for similar volume in November.
Tunisia is reported to be looking for 6,000 tons of vegoil still August dates.
Colombia and Egypt are looking for large volumes (Panamax or Supramax) of maize for October dates.

Fertilizers imports to ECSA:

Brazil is increasing fertilizer imports in comparison to 2021. They now total 21.8 million tons, that is 15 per cent additional.
More open vessels on ECSA?

Argentina Maize and Soya beans 2023 harvest:

With 98 per cent of the maize harvest lifted the farmers are now looking at the 2023 harvest.
According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange the projected surface dedicated for the maize harvest is down to 8 million hectares. This is 400 thousand hectares less than 2022.
In contrast the surface to be dedicated to soya beans is up by 700 thousand hectares to a total of 16.8 million hectares.
Yields, as always are a long way off and are tied to weather conditions.

Argentina wheat 2022 harvest:

Despite the pessimistic forecasts regarding the 2022/2023 harvest the overall view is now changing.
The wheat producing regions in Argentina are basically divided into the North and South Central area and the South East area. The North and South Central area has been badly affected by drought and harvest yields are expected to be below average. The South East area in contrast has been enjoying optimum weather conditions and better than usual yields are now expected.
It is early days yet but the overall total may be similar to the 2021/2022 harvest, according to some. That was 23 million tons.
From a maritime/shipping stand point this means that the Atlantic ports will have a larger volume of wheat than the Upriver ports.

Weather in to the week-end for bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:

Despite initial pessimistic forecast the winds at Zona Comun have not interrupted the STS operations.
As always the actual STS bunkering operation depends on the criteria of the Masters of the vessels involved.

Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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