November 3rd – Wheat harvest, now underway

November 3rd 2023

Wheat harvest, now underway


National Holidays: Monday, November 20th


Grains and Markets:

Forecast for soya beans and maize harvests, due to start April 2024, are still held at 50,000,000 tons for soya beans and 52,000,000 tons for maize by foreign consultants.

South Korea’s MFG has purchased 132,000 tons of maize from ADM, for shipment late January 2024. Optional origin. There is also another parcel of 66,000 tons, shipment February 2024, also optional origin. Seller unreported.

Iran has now issued a formal tender for 180,000 tons of maize on November-December dates.

Wheat harvest, now underway:

The wheat harvest is now well underway starting in northern Argentina. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange has reduced it’s forecast total to 15,400,000 tons because of weather conditions. This is still a lot better than the previous harvest which was in the order of 10,000,000 tons.

Fuel – Energy situation in Argentina:

The local light fuel supply shortage is quickly fading away as the vessels that had been held up at Recalada awaiting discharge are being discharged.

Few local media will discuss the reasons for this but it was evidently a matter to be settled by prompt payment of the goods.



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Masters of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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