March 10th – Genetically modified wheat

March 10th 2023

Genetically modified wheat


ANTARES: We attach to this News a flyer with the full detail of all our staff and offices for your ready reference.


Weekend duty staff: (Friday February 24th noon, until Monday February 27th, 2023 0800 hrs)


Weekend duty staff: (Friday March 10th noon, until Monday March 13th, 2023, 0800 hrs)

HQ Buenos Aires:

Gastón Cabrera             +54 9 11 5578 4556

Horacio Vazquez            +54 9 11 5578 4554



Franco Ostoic              +54 9 11 3156 1678

Kevin Masia                +54 9 11 6919 2280

Walter Nestor Travaglini   +54 9 11 3156 1680


National Holidays: Friday March 24th


Grains and Markets:

China is reported to have purchased two Panamaxes from Brazil for May dates.

Taiwan (MFIG) is in the market for a Panamax of maize on April dates.

South Korea (MFG) purchased a Panamax full of maize (ECSA origin), June dates.

The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange now reduces the soya harvest to 29,000,000 tons and the maize to 37,500,000 tons.

The drought still hasn’t broken.

This is a comparative chart prepared by the (usually pessimistic) Rosario Trade Exchange:

Genetically modified wheat – HB4:

After three years and much coming and going, Bioceres have decided to market their HB4 genetically modified wheat. This wheat has been developed to withstand droughts. A lot of pressure was applied by various lobbies to stop the marketing, but after it was approved during 2022 by Brazil, for import and for harvesting, and preapprovals were issued by Australia and New Zealand also, the non-tariff barriers have been lifted and they are now ready to go. It must be remembered that after the initial announcement of the variety there were widespread bans on its sale and marketing. Most countries banned imports and traders “guaranteed” that their wheat cargoes were certified “free of HB4 contamination.” This was also extensive to vessels chartered to carry wheat. After three years of dry weather and depleted harvests it appears to be worthwhile.


Bunker deliveries at Zona Comun:



As always, the STS operation is up to the discretion of the Master’s of the vessels involved.


Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

Antares Servicios Maritimos S.A.

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